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Payroll taxes are the number one reason why small businesses get into tax trouble.  Why?  Because payroll taxes are the easiest loan to take and the hardest to repay.  Easy to take because there is no loan document to complete and no banker to refuse: just keep the tax money and spend it.  They are the hardest loans to pay back because once the IRS applies the various penalties and interest the balance increases to the point the business cannot easily pay it back.  In addition, the IRS will begin pursuing the owner and other responsible employees personally for the trust fund portion of the taxes!  Payroll Tax cases also are an opportunity for practitioners to make money while saving businesses, their owners and hundreds or even thousands of employee jobs.

If you are interested in adding to your existing practice, launching a new practice or just helping to save clients from the payroll tax nightmare they are in, this book is perfect for you. This guide steps you through the procedures you need to know to help tax clients with payroll tax problems. The key is to understand the process the IRS pursues against both the company and the owner and responsible individuals, and this book walks you through the IRS process and explains where the opportunities are so you can wisely counsel your client.

This knowledge is in great demand.  Most tax practitioners do not know how to do this, more than 15 million people owe the IRS money, and many of them need the help of a tax resolution professional.  The need for practitioners who understand this area is huge!

What’s New:


  • 2023 Update regarding personal liability for the TFRP – Tracing and Fraud cases
  • New Case study – The Offer-in-Compromise to Resolve the Payroll Tax Debt, including all the completed forms, letters and IRS correspondence
  • Sample Marketing letter to use for attracting taxpayers with payroll issues
  • Top 10 Q&A regarding payroll tax debts
  • Updated and new exhibits

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Why Businesses Get Into Trouble With Payroll Taxes
  • How Payroll Taxes Work
  • Third-Party Liability
  • Assessment & Collection Against the Company
  • Assessment Against the Responsible Party
  • Challenging the Trust Fund Assessment
  • Strategies for Minimizing Personal Liability
  • Criminal Aspects of Payroll Taxes
  • Case Studies
  • Checklist: Payroll Tax Case
  • Ex: Exhibits

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Print Version

Orders that include PRINT versions of the books should arrive within 10 days of shipment.

eBook Version

Orders that include EBOOK versions of the books, you will receive a separate email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital downloads.

Masterclass Orders

Orders for Masterclasses will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital course.

The Insider’s Guide to Resolving Payroll Taxes & Personal Liability

Select book: EBOOK

Interested in the Masterclass?

IRS Audits: From Contact Letter to Closing Agreement


IRS Collections: Learn How to Resolve Your Client’s Tax Nightmare


Innocent Spouse: How to Win an Innocent Spouse Case


IRS Offers-in-Compromise: From Billing Notice to Acceptance Letter


Penalties and Penalty Abatement: How to Get Rid of Tax Penalties and Win Every Time


Reasonable Compensation: Reasonable Comp and Challenges by the IRS


Resolving Payroll Tax Debts: Payroll Tax Resolution


Tax Liens and Tax Levies: How to Navigate IRS Enforcement



Payroll taxes are the number one reason why small businesses get into tax trouble.  Why?  Because payroll taxes are the easiest loan to take and the hardest to repay.  Easy to take because there is no loan document to complete and no banker to refuse: just keep the tax money and spend it.  They are the hardest loans to pay back because once the IRS applies the various penalties and interest the balance increases to the point the business cannot easily pay it back.  In addition, the IRS will begin pursuing the owner and other responsible employees personally for the trust fund portion of the taxes!  Payroll Tax cases also are an opportunity for practitioners to make money while saving businesses, their owners and hundreds or even thousands of employee jobs.

If you are interested in adding to your existing practice, launching a new practice or just helping to save clients from the payroll tax nightmare they are in, this book is perfect for you. This guide steps you through the procedures you need to know to help tax clients with payroll tax problems. The key is to understand the process the IRS pursues against both the company and the owner and responsible individuals, and this book walks you through the IRS process and explains where the opportunities are so you can wisely counsel your client.

This knowledge is in great demand.  Most tax practitioners do not know how to do this, more than 15 million people owe the IRS money, and many of them need the help of a tax resolution professional.  The need for practitioners who understand this area is huge!

What’s New:


  • 2023 Update regarding personal liability for the TFRP – Tracing and Fraud cases
  • New Case study – The Offer-in-Compromise to Resolve the Payroll Tax Debt, including all the completed forms, letters and IRS correspondence
  • Sample Marketing letter to use for attracting taxpayers with payroll issues
  • Top 10 Q&A regarding payroll tax debts
  • Updated and new exhibits

Table of Contents

  • About the Author
  • Why Businesses Get Into Trouble With Payroll Taxes
  • How Payroll Taxes Work
  • Third-Party Liability
  • Assessment & Collection Against the Company
  • Assessment Against the Responsible Party
  • Challenging the Trust Fund Assessment
  • Strategies for Minimizing Personal Liability
  • Criminal Aspects of Payroll Taxes
  • Case Studies
  • Checklist: Payroll Tax Case
  • Ex: Exhibits

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Print Version

Orders that include PRINT versions of the books should arrive within 10 days of shipment.

eBook Version

Orders that include EBOOK versions of the books, you will receive a separate email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital downloads.

Masterclass Orders

Orders for Masterclasses will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital course.
