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Take Your Tax Rep Practice To A Million Dollars And Beyond With The New TRN Digital Membership.

For one affordable monthly subscription or an even lower annual payment, you’ll have access to all of Tax Rep Network’s (TRNs) premium digital resources designed and delivered by TRN’s Eric L. Green to help you start and scale your tax rep business.

  • All 8 eBooks
  • 8 Masterclasses
  • New eBook editions for 1 year
  • New Masterclass updates for 1 year
  • Automatic billing

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Print Version

Orders that include PRINT versions of the books should arrive within 10 days of shipment.

eBook Version

Orders that include EBOOK versions of the books, you will receive a separate email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital downloads.

Masterclass Orders

Orders for Masterclasses will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital course.

Digital Access


Interested in the Masterclass?

The Entire Tax Representation Library (All Volumes)


The Insider’s Guide to IRS Collections


The Insider’s Guide to IRS Offers



Take Your Tax Rep Practice To A Million Dollars And Beyond With The New TRN Digital Membership.

For one affordable monthly subscription or an even lower annual payment, you’ll have access to all of Tax Rep Network’s (TRNs) premium digital resources designed and delivered by TRN’s Eric L. Green to help you start and scale your tax rep business.

  • All 8 eBooks
  • 8 Masterclasses
  • New eBook editions for 1 year
  • New Masterclass updates for 1 year
  • Automatic billing

Shipping & Delivery Policy

Print Version

Orders that include PRINT versions of the books should arrive within 10 days of shipment.

eBook Version

Orders that include EBOOK versions of the books, you will receive a separate email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital downloads.

Masterclass Orders

Orders for Masterclasses will receive an email with instructions on how to log into the TG Publishing Digital Library to access your digital course.
